June 12,2023 | By Sovereign Associates |

Seren & Greg (Sovereign Associates' Owners) have been keeping bees for about 5 years now. It first started when friends invited them to attend a 3-day beekeeping course, and since then, they've kept 2 hives in an apiary in NJ. There's even an electric fence installed to keep out the bears! Beekeeping is a fascinating hobby and is a lot of fun. Most learning is applied to keeping the colony disease-free and with a healthy, brood-laying queen at all times. Honeybees are remarkable in husbanding the pollen and nectar they forage, using what they need to feed the colony immediately, and storing the excess for the winter. This year's harvest is scheduled for July 18th, when the honey frames will be uncapped and placed into a centrifuge to spin out the molten honey. The process is complete when the honey is bottled and ready to give away. We thank the miraculous bees of our hives in advance for an abundant harvest this 2023!


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